Another Must Eat Food! Wondrous Health Benefits Of Sweet Potatoes! Sweet potatoes are delicious. But did you know that they are also quite nutritious?
The humble sweet potato is a dicotyledonous plant from Convolvulaceae family. Its scientific name is Ipomoea batatas.
The root crop is known for its starchy texture and its slightly-sweet taste.
The most common type of sweet potato can be identified by its white, almost yellowish colored flesh.
Here are some health benefits of the widely-available root crop:
1. It is rich in dietary fibers.The starchy texture contains fibers that help aid digestion. These fibers help you release the body’s buildup of waste when you are feeling constipated.

2. It contains Beta-CaroteneBeta-Carotene is an antioxidant that alleviates joint pains and also prevents the formation of tumors that could lead to breast and lung cancer.
3. It contains a lot of Vitamin D.Vitamin D is great for the skin, teeth, and bones. It also helps keep our thyroid glands healthy.
4. Promotes Healthy SkinYou can boil a sweet potato, and use the water to treat skin infections and irritations. The residual water from boiled sweet potatoes also clear out clogged pores and helps maintain hydration, making the skin look and feel healthier.
5. Good for the heartEating sweet potatoes has been proven to be good for one’s heart. Sweet potatoes contain potassium which helps regulate blood pressure.
6. It is rich in Folic AcidSweet potatoes are highly recommended for pregnant women since folic acid aids in infant development and fetus formation.
7. Contains Vitamin CVitamin C is an essential vitamin that the body needs when fighting off viruses and infections. Having a high amount of vitamin C in the body helps avoid more serious health complications.
8. Supplies Vitamin AVitamin A is good for the eyesight. It is also good for avoiding respiratory diseases such as coughs and colds.
9. Prevents AnemiaSweet potatoes also can regulate blood pressure, allowing for a healthier flow of oxygen to the blood that helps prevents anemia.


For those with thinning hair out there, you might want to up your intake of sweet potatoes as it may increase hair growth could provide you with healthier hair follicles.
What are you waiting for? Get your daily dose of sweet potatoes and share its effects on you personally in the comments section!
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