This powerful drink will help you unclog the arteries and will treat the bad cholesterol if you regularly take it in the morning.
Take 4 TBSP Each Morning Of This Drink And Say Goodbye To Clogged Arteries
Due to rapid lifestyle, many people struggle with increased fat or cholesterol. The normal level of cholesterolis between 4,60 – 6,20 mmol/L, if your is higher than you have a problem.
This homemade syrup proved to be very effectivein regulating bad cholesterol and helping unclog arteries.
Here’s what you need:
  • 1 kg (2.2 lb) lemon
  • 5-6 bunches parsley
  • 12 cups water
  • 1 bag of baking soda

Wash lemons in cold water, then soak them in warm water to which you previously puta bag of baking soda. Leave it to stand for one hour.
Nice wash the parsley, dry it, and finely chop it along with the stalks. Chop the lemon finely with the peel.
Put all ingredients in a bigger pot add water and cook on low fire for 2-3 hours.
You should get around 5 cups of the powerful remedy. Pour in glass container and store in the fridge.
Take 4 tsp each morning on an empty stomach. This amount is enough for 20 days.
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